The current KHG Board is a 'closed system' of governance that has provided no meaningful level of service to our KHG community. As a KHG Board Director, I will support the rights of KHG Members to fully participate in KHG governance. Your voices will be heard again!
KHG Board Directors are duly elected by you – its valued KHG Members — to Operate, Preserve, Enhance and Protect the important values of KHG.
Why Vote for Tom Koranda
- 21 years experience as an active Member in 2 CA HOA Communities
- 4 year member of the KHG Architectural Review Committee and currently serving as its KHG ARC Interim Chair
- Co-chair of the KHG DPR-OR Committee for DPR Restatement
- Co-founding Member of the KHG Operations Committee
- Extensive business experience in operations/project planning/budgeting